The main components of the Proposed Development comprise:
Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) comprising a series of linked batteries housed within shipping containers (or containers of similar appearance);
Inverter/transformer stations with cooling equipment and associated electrical infrastructure distributed evenly across the site housed within containers;
Underground cabling to connect the batteries and inverters/transformer stations to the proposed on-site substation and control room, which comprises the plant and equipment necessary to export the electricity stored on-site to the electricity network;
Security fencing (2.4m high metal weld mesh) and monitoring
CCTV/infra-red cameras mounted along the perimeter of the BESS Site; -
Landscape planting, biodiversity enhancements and surface water attenuation measures;
Land for the temporary construction laydown area and site accesses from the public highway.
This website has been prepared so we can formally introduce the emerging proposals with you and, crucially, ask for your thoughts and feedback. Your comments will help to shape the final planning application that will be submitted to Bassetlaw District Council.
Enso Energy and Enso Green Holdings X Limited are in the early stages of preparing a planning application for Crabtree Lane Energy Hub which comprises a Battery Energy Storage System, substation, associated infrastructure and works on land east of Crabtree Lane and north of Polly Taylor’s Lane, Skegby. The Proposed Development would operate for a period of 40 years.
The connection to the Grid will be made at the High Marnham National Grid Substation, located approximately 1km east.
The Energy Hub charges with electricity from the grid during periods of low demand and then discharges that electricity during periods of high demand. The Energy Hub can contribute to grid stability by offering frequency control services to the National Grid. Effective energy storage will allow significant increases in intermittent renewable generation from wind and solar onto the UK electricity system by allowing the balance of supply and demand.